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Precious Elliott

Writer. Singer. Poet. Teacher. Webmaster.

Blogger. Business Woman. Wife.

Family, Animal & Nature Lover.

Precious Elliott is a gifted and passionate teacher and champion of integrative spirituality and natural healing whose personal mission is to heal, inspire and empower herself and others. Her purpose is to use her gifts of healing and insight to help others heal anything that may be creating blockages or lack in any area of their lives. She strives to empower and inspire herself and others to live in truth (to themselves and to others), in integrity (to themselves and to others), to know the truth of who they are, realizing their Divine Nature and their own personal power so that they can live the fulfilling, abundant, joyful life of their dreams!

Precious is deeply devoted to her own spiritual growth as a woman of God and to the spiritual evolution of human beings everywhere. She has studied the Word of God, faith and natural healing modalities deeply and dedicates everyday to seek God about ways we can all heal the World so that we are better prepared to receive the Son/Word of God/The Christ Spirit/Goddess energy again.

As a teacher and healer, Precious has completed a three year transformational process learning the principles of self-awareness, divine grace, peace, non-judgment, and unconditional love with The Institute of Whole Life Healing. Due to her personal commitment to be a healing presence in the world, Precious also studied the principles of massage, energy healing, vibrational medicine, mindfulness meditation, prayer, aromatherapy and spirituality extensively.

Precious holds a Bachelors degree in Public Policy from the University of Baltimore. An avid scholar, she is a member of the Pi Sigma Alpha National Honor Society and was also a member of the National Honor Society of Secondary Schools. She is a creative writer and performer who has received an ACT-SO Playwright Award, Third Place at the Montgomery County Forensic Festival and 1st Place Prose Interpretation at the Triple Crown Speech Tournament.

She is also a consummate professional with over a decade experience working in Independent schools as an administrative professional with strong writing, organizational, interpersonal, database, enrollment management, web design & web content management, event coordination, public relation, marketing/promotion and fundraising skills.

Precious is dedicated to utilizing all of her God given talents to help heal humanity. Her calling is to be a teacher, natural healer and a bridge between religions to promote peace so that all may know and experience God personally. She has dedicated her life to fulfilling all she has been called to do through People's Health Empowerment Agency at

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