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do not use all of it.



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Wise Money Guide Prosperity Article


I, ________________(Name), of ____________________________(Address)

hereby appoint _________________(Person)

to serve as my “Agent” and to exercise the

powers set forth below.

This power of attorney shall be effective:

__ Upon my disability, incapacity, or incompetence,

except as provided by statute.  I hereby revoke all

powers of attorney, general or limited, previously

granted by me, except for powers granted by me

on forms provided by financial institutions granting

the right to write checks on, deposit funds to, and

withdraw funds from accounts to which I am a

signatory or granting access to a safe deposit box.

My Agent is authorized, in my Agent's sole and

absolute discretion at any time, with respect to

any of my property, real (including homestead

property or any other interest), personal, intangible,

and mixed, as follows:

1. To collect any money or property due me and

endorse all checks or other instruments payable

to me, disclaim my interest in any real or personal

property to which I am or become entitled and settle,

pursue, or abandon any claim or property right I may

now or later have.

2. To pay any of my bills by signing checks to withdraw

money from any checking account and deposit and

withdraw any other amounts held in my name in any

bank or financial institution, including individual retirement accounts (IRAs) establish, close, transfer, or in any other way handle accounts of any type in financial institutions,including IRAs and generally, in my name, handle any property held by a financial institution, including property held by a bank as trustee or a trust in which I have any interest and property stored in a safe deposit box to whichI have access.

3. To sell and transfer title to any real estate that I own

or in which I have any interest.

4. To sell, exchange, and transfer any personal property in which I have an interest, including any motor vehicles, stocks, bonds, and other securities, whether or not in certificate form.  To purchase hold, operate, manage, and generally handle any personal property and exercise any right I may have in any insurance policy.

5. To prepare and file any tax returns that I might be

obligated to file, and represent me before any

government or social service agency in connection

with any tax I may owe or any rights or benefits to which I may be entitled.

6. To establish, administer, amend, revoke (if applicable),and generally handle revocable or irrevocable trusts on my behalf

-transfer all or part of my real or personal property to any trust

-make gifts or real or personal property, outright or
in trust

-and make any decision regarding my property and

the disposition of my property that I could make.

7. To do everything necessary to carry on my

business affairs and provide for my health and

welfare in the same way that I could if personally


I give my Agent full power to do everything necessary

to accomplish anything in the above list, and I confirm

and ratify all that my Agent lawfully does by virtue of

this power. Any person or organization dealing with

my Agent may rely on this power and its presentation

by my Agent. No liability to me or my successors will

result from this reliance if the person relying on this

power has actual notice of its revocation or termination.

The specification of particular powers is not intended to

limit or restrict the general powers granted to my Agent.

A photocopy of this power of attorney may be given to

any person dealing with my Agent and shall have the

same effect as the original.

Dated:__________________ ___________________

Identification Witnesses: ______________________ ____________________
Printed Name:______________________________
State of _________________________
On this _____day of _____________,_________(Year),

personally appeared before


to me personally known or who provided
_________________________as identification,

who executed this durable power of
attorney and acknowledged the same to be his or

her free act and deed.

Notary Public
My commission expires:________________________


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