Father God, I break and cancel every
inherited curse in the name of Jesus.
Lord, remove from me all the curses placed
upon my ancestral families as a result of their evil
associations involvement in the name of Jesus.
I renounce, break and cancel every curse, spell,
gannet, hex, enchantment, bewitchment,
incantation placed upon me in Jesus' name.
I break and revoke every blood and soul-tie covenant
and yokes attached to them in the name of Jesus.
I purge myself of all the evil foods I have eaten in the
evil world with the blood of Jesus and purify myself
with the fire of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus.
All demonic spirits attached to all these
covenants and curses be roasted with the
fire of God in the name of Jesus.
I declare my body, soul and spirit a no-go area
for all evil spirits in the name of Jesus.
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