










"Your lifestyle - how you live, eat, emote, and think - determines your health. To prevent disease, you may have to change how you live.”.

Brian Carter


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by Precious Elliott

What is Reiki?

Rei means universal. Ki means life force. Reiki means universal life force or core energy. Other names for this life force include chi, manna and Holy Spirit.

Reiki has its own consciousness and goes where it is needed. Reiki flows from the Divine Source (God) through the hands of the healer then crown chakra and out the palm and foot chakras.

How does Reiki flow?
Reiki enters the physical body as we breathe it enters into our chakras. It flows into the crown and foot chakras and out of the palm chakras

How does a healer channel Reiki?

The Reiki healer is a channel or a conduit for this energy. One may view the healer as a powerful battery charger connected to an unlimited source of energy. The healer then gives the charge to the person whose battery is low.

1. A healer must first channel Reiki to the area where there is pain and to problem areas.

2. Then the healer must channel Reiki to the chakras or energy centers of the body.

Chakra 1- Root Chakra: Survival Instinct, Grounding of Self. (Base of Spine)
Chakra 2- Sacral Chakra: Sexual and Reproductive Capacity. (Below Navel)
Chakra 3- Solar Plexus Chakra: Sense of Personal Power (Stomach)
Chakra 4- Heart Chakra: Ability to Express Love (Heart)
Chakra 5- Throat Chakra: Ability for Creativity and Communication (Throat)
Chakra 6- Third Eye Chakra: Intuition and Awareness (Between Eyebrows)
Chakra 7-Crown Chakra: Personal and Spiritual

Connection to the Universe (Top of Head)

What is Psychic Debris and how is it healed?

The healer must channel Reiki to heal psychic debris,  Psychic debris results from reliving past experiences over and over again in our minds. The negative emotional charge being experienced over again is what creates the psychic debris.

The secret to eliminating psychic debris is to remember the life lesson and understanding the connection to the experience without the emotional charge connected to the experience.

Keep the emotional charge of happy, positive and loving experiences and relinquish the life experiences that are unhappy or negative.

Removing psychic debris from the physical, mental and emotional body results in clearer thinking and a deeper understanding of thoughts, feelings and life circumstances. The life force energy returns to its normal healthy flow.

What are Reiki Symbols?
Reiki symbols are links to higher levels of awareness and manifestations and to the Divine Source. When you activate one, the energy with the specific intent of that symbol starts to flow. The Reiki master symbol is the ultimate symbol in this respect.

The four Reiki symbols are:
1. Power
2. Long Distance
3. Mental/Emotional
4. Master

What does Reiki heal?
o Reiki heals physical and mental issues

o Reiki heals emotional and spiritual issues
o Reiki heals past, present and future issues
o Reiki helps with the process of change

What are the signs that Reiki is being channeled?
The signs that Reiki is being channeled include:
o Warm/Hot Hands
o Tingling Sensations
o Crying
o Nose Running
o Urination/Bowel Movement
o Visions
o Flashes of Insight
o Music Heard
o Smell

Can one send Reiki without permission?
Before sending Reiki without permission, state a prayer that includes your intent for the Reiki and ask the person to receive the Reiki only if it is for their highest good. If the karma/destiny is that the Reiki is not wanted or needed on any level, it will not be received and there will be no harm.


Reiki Power Symbol

Reiki Long Distance Symbol

Reiki Mental/Emotional Symbol


Reiki Master Symbol

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