










"Your lifestyle - how you live, eat, emote, and think - determines your health. To prevent disease, you may have to change how you live.".

Brian Carter


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Sound Therapy

Vibrational medicine validates that everything in the Universe is in a state of vibration and the frequency at which an object or person most naturally vibrates is called resonance.

The human ear can detect a minimal range of vibration between 20 to 20,000 cycles per second (cps) or Hertz (Hz). A standard measure of frequency is Hertz, abbreviated Hz. It means "cycles per second."
Compare this to the vibrations dolphins or even mice can detect, which is up to 100,000 (cps) and you realize how much more of our "Universal Symphony" we are missing out on. The rate at which something vibrates, determines how dense it is and how we perceive it to be.

Therefore, different things vibrate at different rates or frequencies. These things can be perceived as either sound, light or color or solid matter. There is even a "hum" to the Earth. Known as the Schumann Resonance. The lowest frequency (and highest intensity) mode of the Schumann resonance is at a frequency of approximately 7.8 Hz. This particular frequency just so happens to be associated with the Alpha waves in our brain, which are most associated with our meditative state. "When your alpha is within normal ranges we tend to also experience good moods, see the world truthfully, and have a sense of calmness. You can increase alpha by closing your eyes or deep breathing or decrease alpha by thinking or calculating.

The human energy field is a symphony of sound, frequencies and energetic matter. From our auric field and chakra centers, bones, and organs in the body, all possess a different resonant frequency. When an organ or part of the body is vibrating out of tune or nonharmoniously, it is called "dis ease" or disease. A body is in a healthy state of being when each cell, each organ creates a resonance that is in harmony with the whole being.

Vibrational medicine is based on the idea that all illness or disease is characterized by blockage in the channels on some level, either in nadis, meridians, arteries, veins, or nerves When there is a blockage, the organ in question stops vibrating at a healthy frequency and thus it results in some kind of illness. So, through sound and light, one can break up, dissolve and release these blockages that initiate in our light or etheric body. Ultra sound has been used medically for almost two decades as a diagnostic tool while the baby is in the very early stages of fetal development. More recently, ultrasound is being used to cleanse clogged arteries. Ultrasound works on the same principle of light equals sound and tone equals radiance manifesting in form.

The Healing Power Of Music

Music And Vibrational Tuning

Techniques Of Sound Therapy

Resources For Sound Therapy
Sound Therapy Music Videos
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