










"When you find yourself stressed,

ask yourself one question: Will this matter in 5 years from now?

If yes, then do something about

the situation. If no, then let it go."

Catherine Pulsifier


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The language of the Spirit has Divine origins. This communication is absolutely private, passing only between you and God who holds your divine plan and destiny. This medium of communication is always active and ever present, but has no dependency on your faith, religious beliefs, or understanding of spiritual matters. The key for humans is to become aware that the language is  there and to tap into it. This language is effective on a level far above that which we can manage on our own. It manifests the reality, presence and power of the Divine Source.

This language already speaks from deep inside. Most look to the world outside for signs of this communication to manifest. Most have little awareness that this language is flowing automatically, both sending and receiving information. Opening yourself to speak this language will edify (enlighten, inform, educate, instruct, improve, teach) your being. This form of spiritual communication reaches directly to the source of need and is the perfect intercession in accordance with your divine plan and your human will.

Who can speak in the language of the Spirit?
This connection is present from the time of birth in all living, breathing creatures.

What is the Essence of the Language of the Spirit? Talking in the language of Spirit enables the subconscious mind to link with the conscious mind. The subconscious mind is an extraordinary place. The subconscious remains veiled because what exists in the Spirit dimension has no equivalent within the context of our reality. Some of the concepts within our subconscious often seem strange because our mind tries to connect and interpret that which exists outside of space and time. (For example, what meaning would a tree convey to a fish of the ocean?) Since the language of Spirit understands both the conscious and the subconscious, it is not readily understandable by the conscious mind.

Is the language of the Spirit and Speaking in Tongues the same?
Yes, both operate on the same principles. However, it is important to remember that the language of the Spirit exists in all people. One only has to become aware of this power. I have seen it work even in people who do not share my Christian beliefs. Speaking in Tongues is normally associated with religious and biblical teachings regarding the manifestation of the Holy Spirit within a believer. According to religious and biblical sources: A believer operating the manifestation of the spirit called tongues will be edified spiritually--spiritually
built up. He can operate this manifestation in two situations: in public and in private. The bulk of a believer's speaking in tongues is in his own private life. As such, speaking in tongues in private will be prayer or praise to the Father and, therefore is never interpreted. This prayer and praise is spoken of as "praying in the spirit." When you speak in tongues it is the spirit in you which is in direct communication with your heavenly Father, and as such your spirit is edified.

A believer can speak in tongues publicly in a believer's meeting. When a person publicly speaks in tongues, he must always interpret. A public message is never a prayer however; it is a communication from God meant for the people present. Both public and private speaking in tongues are called speaking to God.

Biblical references about the benefits of Speaking in Tongues:
To edify you:1 Corinthians 14:4 and Jude 20
To speak to God divine secrets:1 Corinthians 14:2
To speak the wonderful works of God: Acts 2:11
To magnify God: Acts 10:46
To pray perfectly:Romans 8:26,27
To give thanks: 1 Corinthians 14:17
To have the Spirit bearing witness with our spirit: Romans 8:16
To know you are a joint heir with Christ: Romans 8:17
To strengthen you with might in your inner man: Ephesians 3:16
To be a sign to unbelievers: 1 Corinthians 14:22; Mark 16:17
Rest to the soul: Isaiah 28:11,12 and 1 Corinthians 14:21

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