










"When you find yourself stressed,

ask yourself one question: Will this matter in 5 years from now?

If yes, then do something about

the situation. If no, then let it go."

Catherine Pulsifier


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What does the language of the Spirit sound like?
The language of the Spirit is manifest totally in the "Now" moment. It can sound like "gibberish" to the human ear because it has no past (there is no definition of the sounds, unlike our formally spoken language) and the future does not yet exist. The language is manifest simply to convey a "thought package" instantly. Once transmitted, it is gone. Just like a telephone line, once the voice packet is transmitted, the line is instantly clear. For this reason an infinite number of sounds and syllables come forth those that can be heard, and those that cannot. One never knows what syllable and sound will come next. Just let it flow naturally. It is perfect.

Here is a phonetically spelled sample of what the language of Spirit can sound like: "Nashontaki Yaohhanna Soolamanuushiki alam. Doukianna nushamilla

Translation should always be given when spoken in public. The thoughts that accompanied this message were centered around welcoming one to the center of one's self, and the path filled with unconditional love.

Using the language of the Spirit
Use Spirit talk at any time when you are just waking, when you are resting, when you are tense, when you are considering alternatives, when you are giving gratitude, when you are praying. Any time you think of it is the perfect time. As the language is exercised, your conscious mind will become aware of feelings, emotions and sensations regarding the communication that is occurring.

Your conscious mind expands because connections are being made or enhanced in many ways. For example, our heart beats because the brain sends a signal. Our lungs breathe because a signal is received from the brain. We don't have to consciously think about keeping our heart or lungs working. We tend to take them for granted because their function is so automatic. But when we gain awareness, we can influence their action.

Awareness is the key that spontaneously opens the door to understanding. Speaking the language of the Spirit enables the connection between the  two hemispheres of the brain and brings that which is from the "unknown" into the known.

How do I begin to speak in the language of the Spirit? There are many ways to communicate with the Spirit and through the Spirit. There are never any limitations on the methods and ways to connect and communicate. The limitations of human conditioning and physical reality have created barriers. (Similar to the generation gap between parents and children.) There is so much that we don't see, so much we don't understand, so much
we don't know, and so much we misinterpret.
-Trust in yourself.

- Accept that this language and communication is already occurring from within you.
- Allow yourself to feel and allow the feeling to flow.

There is no formality, no special special state of mind. The language is private to you.

Utter a syllable either out loud or to yourself.
Make a single sound. It's the first primitive sound that comes to you. This is the first step.

Utter another syllable any syllable or sound that comes next. Don't worry about pronouncing the sound correctly. It is perfect.

Utter another syllable. Do not be concerned about the meaning. You are speaking the language of the Spirit. Your conscious mind will not make sense of the sounds. Your heart will feel the vibration and strengthen the connection to unconditional love.

Utter another syllable. You are on a roll now. Your throat is connecting to the universal voice that is within you, sending and receiving vibrations of wellbeing,
health and wellness.

Continue with the dialogue. Allow it to come and roll forward. The more you exercise this facility, either to yourself or aloud, the stronger the link will

This exercise is always done in private as if engaged in silent prayer. As you speak in the language of Spirit, bring into your mind the feelings, thoughts and
emotions that you wish to convey to your Higher Self.
This mode of communication is expanded to transmit an exponentially large and more complete volume of information. It automatically encapsulates a few simple sounds into a complete thought package that includes setting, intention, volition and reasoning. It's like the difference between reading a one sentence description of the basic premise of a movie and viewing the extended DVD edition that reveals all of the aspects of the movie. The completeness and perfection of this language is phenomenal.

The utterance of the language of Spirit is unique and different for each person. To hear it spoken by another is like listening to a foreign language. Every sound spoken has it's own beauty and eloquence. Over time, as the language is exercised, some patterns and intonations can become more apparent. But the language can and does change over time.

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