










"Most people are about
as happy as they make up
their minds to be."

Abraham Lincoln


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The Fifth Key


An emotion is a "complex reaction pattern, involving experiential, behavioral, and physiological elements, by which the individual attempts to deal with a personally significant matter or event."

Postiive emotions are the result of love energy and manifest as acceptance, affection,compassion, ecstasy, empathy, euphoria, forgiveness, gratitude, happiness, hope, pleasure, pride and sympathy.

Negative emotions are the result of fear and manifest as aggression, ambivalence, anger, apathy, anxiety, bitterness, disgust, doubt, envy, embarrassment, fear, fustration, guilt, grief, hatred, horror , hostility, homesickness, hysteria, loneliness, paranoia, pity, rage, regret, remorse, sadness, shame and suffering. These emotions get blocked in the body, over time they weaken the physical body creating stiffness, aches, pain and general discomfort, which eventually can cause more serious conditions like tumors and cancer.

It is important to look at your own negative mental states so that you can recognize them. Each person must learn to see how s/he creates personal suffering by holding a negative attitude toward the events and circumstances of life. If you don't see how you do this, you will do it unconsciously. And then you won't understand why your life is difficult. You will blame others for your problems: your parents, your spouse, your children, your boss, maybe even God.

Loving thoughts lead to the emotional state of feeling loved. Realize that the reason that you are always looking for love from other people is that you do not realize that love comes only from your own consciousness. When your emotions are healed and you love yourself you attract to yourself what you are---others who are willing to share love. The fountain of love is within your own heart.

Learn About The Power Of Your Thoughts

Learn About Practicing Forgiveness

Receive Help For Emotional Imbalance

Learn About Spiritual Deliverance For Your Emotions

Learn How To Change Your Emotions With Dr. Leaf

You have balanced your emotions and must now delve into realm of renewing your spirit.

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