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PARASITICIDE: Kills parasites.
PECTORAL: Affecting the respiratory system.
PURGATIVE: Promotes elimination from the bowels.
REGENERATOR: Promotes new growth or repair of structures or tissues.
REJUVENATOR: Promots a youthful appearance.
RELAXANT: Lessens or reduces tension, and produces relaxation.
RESOLVENT: Reduces swellings.
RESTORATIVE: Restores consciousness and/or normal physiological activity.
RUBEFACIENT: A local irritant that reddens the skin.
SEDATIVE: Calms anxiety and promotes drowsiness.
STIMULANT: Excites or quickens an activity in the body.
STOMACHIC: Strengthens and tones the stomach.
SUDORIFIC: Promotes or increases perspiration.
TONIC: Strengthens and revitalizes the body/organs
TRANQUILIZER: Calms the nerves.
VASOCONSTRICTOR: Constricts the blood vessels.
VASODILATOR: Dilates the blood vessels.
VERMIFUGE: Expels intestinal worms.
VULNERARY: Assists healing of wounds and sores
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