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Herbs that help the body reduce excess mucous and phlegm. Boneset, Echinacea, Elder, Garcinia, Garlic, Golden Seal, Hyssop, Marshmallow, Oregon Grape, Sage, Saw Palmetto, Uva Ursi, Wild Yam, Yarrow.
Herbs that reduce the feeling of nausea and can help to relieve or prevent vomiting. Barberry, Cloves, Elecampane, Fennel, Ginger, Oregon Grape, Red Raspberry, Wild Yam.
Herbs that prevent or decrease the secretion of milk.
Black Walnut, Sage.
These herbs help the body to combat inflammations.
Aswagandha, Blue Vervain, Butcher’s Broom, Calendula, Cat's Claw, Chamomile, Chaparral Leaf, Cleavers, Devil's Claw, Eyebright, Fennel,
Feverfew, Gentian Root, Guggul, Horehound, Hyssop, Licorice, Reishi, St. John’s Wort, White Willow, Witch Hazel, Wormwood, Yarrow, Yucca.
Herbs that prevent the formation or help remove stones or gravel in the urinary system. Gravel Root, Hydrangea, Stone Root, Uva Ursi.
Herbs that can help the body destroy or resist pathogenic microorganisms. Calendula, Cat's Claw, Cloves, Echinacea, Eucalyptus, Feverfew, Juniper, Licorice, Myrrh, Olive Leaf, Pau d’arco, Red Clover, Rose Hips, St. John's Wort, Uva Ursi, Wormwood.
Having the specific action of inhibiting and combating tumor development. Chaparral Leaf, Cleavers, Red Clover, Reishi, St. John’s Wort, Shiitake.
Herbs that can be applied to the skin to prevent and resist bacterial growth. Bilberry, Black Walnut, Chamomile, Chaparral Leaf, Cloves, Echinacea, Elecampane, Eyebright, Gentian Root, Golden Seal, Horseradish, Myrrh, Oregon Grape, Parsley, Queen of the Meadow, Red Clover, Sage, Sarsaparilla, Schizandra, Thyme, Uva Ursi, White Oak Bark, White Willow, Witch Hazel, Wormwood, Yarrow.
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