Who is the Great Mother/Divine Feminine?
To understand our Great Mother we must understand the God Head, Our Ultimate Source. The ultimate origin of all things is the Source that is called the One. The One is the origin and ultimate beginning. It represents a state of being that is infinite and omnipotent. In this state, there is no lack, no want for anything. It is a state of ultimate completeness. It is a state where all things exist, all things are known and there is ultimate permanence and harmony. The construct of this energy state of the One is zero. There is no energy here. There is no vibration here. This is infinite oneness. The One is infinity unto itself. There is no separation, no differentiation. All is One and One is All. It is absolute, such that nothing exists outside of it. It is the ground state. The One contains all things that existed at the beginning. The One is the true source of all. Inside the One are two potentials, two states of being. Both have zero potential because they are unified within the whole. They are the essence of the energies that make up our GREAT FATHER, The Divine Seed and our GREAT MOTHER, The Divine Womb.
The first state of being or potential is the definition of positive and negative potentials to apply that which is within the construct. It also correlates to the zero potential of the Divine Source which is the original home state. Our Holy Father’s emanates yang energy that can be described as light, dry, directed, focused, logical, and action oriented.
The second state of being or potential is the Selah space or the holy void. It is where light waves/ quanta go when they momentarily disappear from our reality. It is the womb for creation, the space where potentials can assemble to create form, matter and energy. This void forms true duality which is the essence of being that which is and the void which is. It sets the stage for separation. Selah is our Universal Great Mother, the Cosmic Yoni and Divine Creatrix. The Great Mother is the feminine aspect of the God Head. She is the mother of all and Co-Creator of the universe. She emanates yin energy of the Universe and can be described as dark, moist, diffuse, vague, intuitive, and receptive. The Great Mother represents fertility, fruitfulness, creativity, birth, sexual union, nurturing and the cycle of growth. Her holy and sacred womb gives birth to new life: new gods, new plants, new animals, new humans, new life forms. Life cannot exist without her.
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