Sound Healing


The crown corresponds to the cerebral cortex, pineal gland and inner vision. When in balance, there is unification of the higher self with the human personality, oneness with the infinite, spiritual will, inspiration, unity, divine wisdom, understanding, idealism, selfless service, perception beyond time and space, continuity of consciousness.

SOUND HEALING CD--Digestive System
The solar plexus located above the navel, but below the chest is used for digestion, vitalizes the sympathetic nervous system and is the seat of your will power and emotions. When your solar plexus is in balance, your will power is strong, you are energetic and filled with self-control.

When in balance, the executive functions of the brow region and frontal lobes involve the ability to recognize future consequences resulting from current actions, to choose between good and bad actions (or better and best), override and suppress unacceptable social responses, and determine similarities and differences between things or events. Therefore, it is involved in higher mental functions such as soul realization, intuition, insight, imagination, clairvoyance, concentration, peace of mind, wisdom, devotion, perception beyond duality.

SOUND HEALING CD--Heart and Lungs
This area is located in the center of the chest and energizes the body through the intake of air and the circulation of blood. When this area of your body is in balance you are capable of giving divine unconditional love, forgiveness, harmony, compassion and understanding.

SOUND HEALING CD--Reproductive System
The reproductive center is the seat of sexuality, pleasure, creativity and procreation. When the reproductive center is in balance, giving and receiving emotions become easy, the assimilation of new ideas is a breeze, family, tolerance and working harmoniously and creatively with others comes naturally.

Life force energy flowing from the spine gives vitality to the physical body and is associated with survival and being grounded. When your spinal area is in balance you feel grounded, secure, stable, still healthy, patient, courageous and have mastery over your body and individuality.

When your throat center is in balance, true communication becomes easy. There is creative expression in speech, writing and artistic endeavors. Additionally, knowledge, wisdom, peace and truth is easily integrated into your life.