Transactional Analysis--Process to diagnose the ego states where verbal exchanges originate, as well as techniques to use this information to improve communication.
Transformational Counseling/Therapy--Counseling techniques associated with transpersonal psychology that are aimed at promoting self-realization at the personal level and planetary brotherhood and consciousness at the global level.
Transpersonal Psychology/Counseling--That school of psychology that aims at integrating Western science and Eastern thought by moving beyond Humanistic Psychology and its focus on the self or ego. Its orientation is a holistic one that focuses on the integration of mind, body and spirit and has ultimate psychological growth and wellbeing as its goals.
Vegan--A diet without animal products of any kind. Followers believe in the rights of animals and avoid all products with animal source ingredients.
Vibrational Healing--Promotes healing by balancing the body's energy field. Can include acupuncture, homeopathy, flower essences, sound & color healing, crystals, gems, aromatherapy and energy based bodywork.
Vision Questing--Spiritual practice for opening up to God and perceiving a clairvoyant vision for the purpose of prophesy, protection and discovering your life's purpose. Traditionally a time of fasting and praying.
Yoga--Sanskrit for yoke or union. An Eastern philosophy involving spiritual discipline using various techniques to experience union with a Supreme Being. Many yogic paths exist and include work on the physical body as in Hatha yoga, which uses breathing exercises and sustained physical postures to gain physical and mental control over the body and Bhakti, the yoga of devotion and love using the heart as a vehicle for transcendence.
Zero Balancing--Method for aligning body structure and body energy. Through touch akin to acupressure, practitioner seeks to overcome imbalances in the body's structure/energetic interface, which is said to exist beneath the level of conscious awareness. Zero Balancing is often used for stress reduction.
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