










"Your lifestyle - how you live, eat, emote, and think - determines your health. To prevent disease, you may have to change how you live.".

Brian Carter


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Page 7


The selfhelp and the holistic approach of aromatherapy can be attributed to the biochemist Marguerite Maury. While she was treating her patients with Essential Oils for cosmetic problems she discovered that not only
did their skin clear up, but they also experienced pleasant and surprising side effects. They had improved sleep, reduced symptoms of rheumatism and
increased mental awareness. Madame Maury pioneered the technique of applying Essential Oils with massage, whereby the oils were used to treat the
body in synergy with touch and smell, which, in turn, stimulated internal organs and improved the condition of the skin. Robert Tisserand's book The Art of Aromatherapy was published in England in 1977. It was the first book to combine a medical approach of aromatherapy with a more esoteric view of Essential Oils.

After 1980, aromatherapy diversified into four basic groups: the medical and holistic medical aromatherapy practiced in France, popular and esoteric
aromatherapy as found published in Western societies, aromatherapy applied during massage as practiced mainly in Great Britain, and the scientific study of
fragrance encouraged by the Fragrance Research Fund, referred to as the practice of aromachology. Medical use of aromatherapy is completely prohibited
or restricted in Western societies. The fragrance aspect of Essential Oils has taken the main route in the United States. The reasons for the differences in
approaches from country to country are explained by exploring the root of aromatherapy source. In France, aromatherapy was first propagated by medical
doctors hence the integration of aromatherapy into conventional medicine. In English speaking countries the first available and readable book was published
by a masseur, Tisserand. Aromatherapy has taken a back seat as "alternative". No matter the size or girth of a company today, one thing is for certain; Essential
Oils will never pass the FDA and enter into the mainstream medical practice. There simply is no profit, no purpose in passing FDA regulations, testing and approval for a product that cannot ever be privately held. Essential Oils are public domain and will never take over the three trillion dollar per year HMO and
pharmaceutical companies. Synthetic drugs are totally standardized and monopolized. Essential Oils are not even patentable. Abundant research and
scientific documentation over the years have been completely overlooked. The empirical effects of Essential Oils and results remain true today, in spite of any misconceptions we may have once held.

To purchase aromatherapy products, click here

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