










"Your lifestyle - how you live, eat, emote, and think - determines your health. To prevent disease, you may have to change how you live.”.

Brian Carter


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Who Or What Are Demons?

Who are the beings from the kingdom of evil?
Demons are also called devils, unclean spirits, demons and denizens of the hoary underworld. They struggle against all that is holy, sacred and good, seeking ever to corrupt the innocent, destroy the beauty of the cosmos, plunge the universe into chaos, and snuff out the perfect and unapproachable light of God's Love.

They are spiritual beings that have an intense craving to occupy physical bodies. Apparently, their first choice is a human body but rather than remain in a disembodied condition, they are willing to enter even the body of an animal. (Lk. 8:32-33)

What is their origin?
They are fallen angels that decided to rebel against God and aligned with their leader and chief demon, Satan. In his original rebellion, Satan drew with him a great number of angels perhaps a third of all created (Ezek. 28:18, Rev. 12:4.) Find out more about angels including the fallen angels in the book called the Dictionary of Angels by Gustav Davidson.

They may now be classified as either confined or free. The free have their abode in the heavenlies and have access to earth and its inhabitants (Eph. 3:10, 6:12) Some are in the abyss or pit Rev. 9:1-11…a place to which Christ cast many. (Lk. 8:31) Others are bound on earth…in the river Euphrates (Rev. 9:14) (Jude 1:6) describes a particularly wicked group of demons as “kept in eternal bonds”.

What is the nature of Demons?
They are personal beings.

This is evidenced by the fact that:
-Personal pronouns are applied to them (Lk.8:27-30)
-They may assume personal names (Lk. 8:30)
-They use intelligent speech (Lk. 4:33-35)
-They recognize the identity of Christ (Mk. 1:23-24)
-They exhibit emotion of fear (James 2:19)
-They have will. (Matt. 12:44)
-They are highly intelligent (Ezek 28:12)
-Carry out strategies in the world (Eph.6: 11-12)
-Control and overpower men. (Acts. 19:14-16)
-Use powers in wicked fashion. (Rev. 9:1-11)

-They can produce deceptive miracles (2 Thess. 2:9)
-They are spirit beings-not flesh and blood (Eph. 6:12)
-They are invisible creatures of God (Col.1:16)
-May appear as angels of light (2 Cor. 11:14)
-They may appear as hideous beings (Rev. 9:7-10)

What are their activities?
-Promote Satan's program (Eph. 2:1-2) (Dan. 10:13-20)
-Opposing God's purpose (Isa. 14:14) (Ezek. 28:16, 18)
-Opposing mankind (Job 1:12-19) (Rom. 1:18-32)
-They attack man's confidence in God (Matt. 16:22-23)
-Tempting them to sin (1 Chron.21:1-8)
-Promoting immorality (1 Cor.7:2, 5)
-Introducing false teachings (1 Tim. 4:1-3)
-Causing divisions (James 3:14-16) (1 Cor.3:1-4)
-Harshness and lack of forgiveness (2 Cor.2:5-11)
-Hindering communication (1 Thess 2:2-18)


What is Deliverance?
What Are Demons?
Scriptural Basis For Demons
How Do Demons Enter?
How Do They Manifest Their Power?
Do I Need Deliverance
What Is The Soul and Soul Loss?
Can I Receive Help?
What Is A Deliverance Session?
How Do I Know They Have Left Me?
What Are Prayers Of Deliverance?
How Can Sanctification Help Me?
What Is Holy Anointng Oil?
Emotional Healing Resources
Physical Healing Resources
Books On Deliverance Healing
Keeping Your Deliverance
Deliverance Therapy Main Page


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