










"Your lifestyle - how you live, eat, emote, and think - determines your health. To prevent disease, you may have to change how you live.”.

Brian Carter


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12 Steps Towards Holy Boldness

The doctrine of sanctification is as important to us as the doctrine of deliverance. Sanctification is the work of God purging the whole being removing the love of sin and the inclination to sin in the future. It is cleansing, renewing and ushers in rebirth. It is that act of divine grace whereby we are made holy.

The act of divine grace is the removing of impurity existing in the nature of one born again. It is the work of the Father / Son / Holy Spirit by which our old man is crucified and the moral nature is cleansed of all unrighteousness – unrightness, proneness to sin and sinful propensity.

It is known by various titles and phrases in the Bible such as:
o Perfection.
o Perfect Love
o Pure In Heart.
o Dead to Sin.
o Crucified with Christ.
o Mind Of Christ
o Partakers of the Divine Nature.
o Free from Sin.
o Loving God With All The Soul Mind And Strength.
o Cleansed From All Sin And From All Unrighteousness.
o Cleansed from all filthiness of the Flesh and Spirit.
o Perfecting Holiness in the fear of God.


1. Hold on to faith and do not depend upon your feelings.

2. Testify to the grace receivedPsalm 126.
Show gratitude for new mercies received – It has a way of keeping you.

3. Beware of spiritual pride. Sanctification will make a remarkable difference in your life which you and others can see. Give all glory to Jesus. Be careful about making comparisons between yourself and others.

4. Have a consistent devotional life.

5. Abstain from doubtful things. Keep a sharp look out for the “no harm” things. Keep well out of the sphere of temptation.

6. Do not be discouraged by temptations. Jesus was tempted but he did not sin – all discouragement is of the devil – Temptation is not sin unless it is accompanied with the consent of your will. We must learn to discriminate between Satan’s suggestions and our choices and declare – I do not accept, I do not consent, I am not responsible I will not sin, I reckon myself still dead indeed to sin and alive unto God.

7. Watch. We are surrounded by unseen foes and powerful spiritual enemies (Mark 13:37). What I say unto you I say all – watch” – Words, Actions, Thought, Company, Habit. Watch eye, ear gates, Eve fell at these two gates. David fell at eye gate – watch.

8. Keep guard over your speech.( Matthew 12:37).
Ask God to set a watch at the door of your lips. Don’t talk too much lest you talk all your religion away. Avoid telling all the antiholiness news you hear. Let the devil circulate his own papers.

9. Guide your thoughts. Keep the mind full of thoughts of God and holy things for “as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”
10. Associate with holiness people. Evil communication corrupts good manners.

11. Read holiness literatures.

12. Live moment by moment. Dedicate each moment to God, Acquire the habit of living by the minute. You can live this minute without sin and so can you the rest. Days are made up of minutes, if each one is sinless – the day will be and God can keep us in this experience if we want to be kept.

Additional Resource:
Holiness And Power by A.M. Hills


What is Deliverance?
What Are Demons?
Scriptural Basis For Demons
How Do Demons Enter?
How Do They Manifest Their Power?
Do I Need Deliverance
What Is The Soul and Soul Loss?
Can I Receive Help?
What Is A Deliverance Session?
How Do I Know They Have Left Me?
What Are Prayers Of Deliverance?
How Can Sanctification Help Me?
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