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Brian Carter


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A human is a tri-part being existing in body, mind and spirit/soul. To understand deliverance, soul loss, and soul retrieval one must first understand the nature of the soul.

What is the soul?
The soul is the aspect of your spirit that houses your essence, personality, life force, consciousness, memories, experiences and individuality.

What is soul loss and how does it lead to the need for deliverance or soul retrieval?
It is believed that whenever we suffer an emotional or physical trauma a part of our soul flees the body in order to survive the experience. In psychology, this is called dissociation. A piece of the soul leaves the body and goes to territories in the spiritual realms where it waits until someone intervenes in the spiritual realms and facilitates its return.

Although soul loss is a survival mechanism the problem is that the soul part that left usually does not come back on its own. The soul part might be lost, stolen by another person or it does not know the trauma has passed and it is safe to return. There has to be a deliverance or soul retrieval session to return the soul back to its natural essence.

What are the implications of soul loss?
When soul loss or power loss occurs, a void is created. It is in the nature of the universe to abhor a vaccum (even a spiritual energetic one), and thus, when we fracture, isolate, divest or separate ourselves from our soul, in its place (in those areas we vacate), we will tend to attract the energies and consciousnesses of other beings (for there are many out there who, like you, are looking for spaces outside their own to escape into). The energy gap is filled by a negative, evil or demonic spirit energy. The evil spirit continues to feed on the traumatic experience, oftentimes causing the individual to re-create the trauma in their lives in order to continue to survive or sometimes they cause localized areas of illness or distress such as chronic fatigue, cancer, anger, and emotional pain.

We are also influenced and affected by unresolved traumas of our ancestors – Generational Trauma, masses of energy, which we carry in our genetic code. They join with like energy, similar traumas to continuously fulfill their purpose. When any one person in our lineage is unable to heal and resolve trauma created in their lifetime, the "Spirit’ will pass on generationally until it is healed. By healing Spirits of Trauma, we break the cycles of trauma within our families and ourselves. This is a gift that we give not only to ourselves, but to our families and the world as well.

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What is Deliverance?
What Are Demons?
Scriptural Basis For Demons
How Do Demons Enter?
How Do They Manifest Their Power?
Do I Need Deliverance
What Is The Soul and Soul Loss?
Can I Receive Help?
What Is A Deliverance Session?
How Do I Know They Have Left Me?
What Are Prayers Of Deliverance?
How Can Sanctification Help Me?
What Is Holy Anointng Oil?
Emotional Healing Resources
Physical Healing Resources
Books On Deliverance Healing
Keeping Your Deliverance
Deliverance Therapy Main Page


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