










"Your lifestyle - how you live, eat, emote, and think - determines your health. To prevent disease, you may have to change how you live.”.

Brian Carter


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What are the symptoms of soul loss?
There are many common symptoms of soul loss. They include:
--Chronic depression
--Feeling of incompleteness
--Feeling stuck
--Unable to move forward on some issue
--Lost memories
--Feeling as if you are not in control of your life
--Suicidal tendencies
--Post traumatic stress syndrome
--Immune deficiency problems
--Grief that just does not heal
-- Dissociation where a person does not feel fully in his or her body and in life
-- Addictions are also a sign of soul loss as we seek external sources to fill up the empty spaces inside of us whether through substances, food, relationships, work or buying material objects.

The language of our society refers to soul loss...
-- lost something when I lost my job
--I never felt the same after my accident
--I felt like part of me died when...
--I feel like so and so stole my soul

What are the types of situations that lead to soul loss and the need for deliverance/soul retrieval?
Traumatic situations can lead to soul loss and open the doorway to spiritual and emotional captivity, hardship or domnation by evil forces. The following traumas are the leading causes of soul loss and the need for deliverance.
--A broken heart.
--Traumatic accidents and surgery.
--Being in a natural disaster.
--Adultery or fornication.
--Negative effects from abortion.
--Feelings of abandonment because of adoption.
--Parental abandonment or being orphaned.
--Childhood abuse.
--Rape and molestation.
--Difficult conceptions, pregnancies and labor.
--Near death experiences.
--Intense loneliness.
--Chronic illness and handicaps.
--Witnessing traumatic occurrences.
--Trauma from being in a war zone.
--Constant ridicule.
--Chronic Depression and Schizophrenia.
--Learning Disabilities.
--Alcoholicism and Drugs.
--Divorce or separation.
--Anger, Bitterness and Hate.
--Sexual Perversion (Incest, Child Predators).
--Chronic Gambling or Cheating.
--Prone to Accidents.
--Jealousy and Fear.
--Addictions to Food.
--Generational Poverty.
--Witchcraft and Evil Spirits.

Are there other situations that can lead to soul loss?
Another way to lose one’s soul is to give it to someone. When two people are in love, or when they are in a family, it is sometimes occurs that they will give portions of their soul to their loved one. A mother may give some to her child because she wishes to protect him or her. This type of soul exchange may seem acceptable because of a person's desire to share themselves with another, but it is generally not a good idea. An individual can't use another person's soul, because simply: it is not their soul. The person must then deal with this unusable energy in addition to his or her own problems. In addition, the persons who have given a piece of their soul away have disempowered themselves. The giver's journey is made more difficult because they are not fully present to do the living of their life.

Because we are not taught about soul loss we do this soul sharing unconsciously. As individuals becomes more conscious of this dynamic they can find more empowering ways of sharing love and affection in their close relationships. You can see the language of soul loss in everyday speaking, people referring to how they "lost a piece of themselves" when they parted with a lover, or people saying "you stole my life from me."

Another reason for soul loss is called soul stealing, perhaps we should say borrowing. As we said before, the average person today is unconscious of the soul dynamic. So soul stealing can be innocent, you see someone with lots of energy and you want to borrow some of it. You are afraid of losing someone, so you take a piece of that person with you so that you will always have him or her close by. Soul stealing can also be a way to dominate another. For instance soul stealing may be seen where an abusive spouse has taken his or her partner's soul. When you take someone's soul you take some of that person's power.

It is important to know that no one can take your soul without your consent. If someone has stolen your soul you have in some sense given it to them or allowed them to have it. If you feel for some reason that someone is tugging at your soul, make a firm decision within yourself that they cannot have it and they will not be able to take it from you.

Coma is a situation of extreme soul loss, where more of the soul is out of the body than in. As with the other protective feature of soul loss, this can be very appropriate. If the body is in a great deal of pain, or if the soul needs time to consider its situation a coma provides needed time. Shock is another symptom of soul loss, where the individual's soul hasn't returned yet or hasn't fully reentered the body.

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What is Deliverance?
What Are Demons?
Scriptural Basis For Demons
How Do Demons Enter?
How Do They Manifest Their Power?
Do I Need Deliverance
What Is The Soul and Soul Loss?
Can I Receive Help?
What Is A Deliverance Session?
How Do I Know They Have Left Me?
What Are Prayers Of Deliverance?
How Can Sanctification Help Me?
What Is Holy Anointng Oil?
Emotional Healing Resources
Physical Healing Resources
Books On Deliverance Healing
Keeping Your Deliverance
Deliverance Therapy Main Page


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